Dual boot guide

Boot Camp is one of the main elements that is expected to be released properly at WWDC later today and even though I’ve currently given up on Boot Camp in preference for Parallels, there are those who will prefer the Boot Camp approach for the performance improvements it provides - particularly if you want to play any games on your Intel Mac under Windows.

If you are using Boot Camp then you might want some hints and tips on how to make the best of the Boot Camp environment, installation tips and other bits. Dual Boot Guru provides just such information, incuding some guides on Slip Streaming (making a Windows XP CD that includes the Apple drivers), game compatbility and other information.

The site is still in its early stages, and the real value will be in the forums, but it’s worth a look. There’s also a quick interview with the site owner, Greg Wallingford, about the Dual Boot Guru website.