All posts by Martin MC Brown

a.k.a.: Martin MC Brown a.k.a.: Martin Brown a.k.a.: mcslp a.k.a.: Martin C Brown a.k.a.: MC

Comparing MySQL to Vertica Replication under MemCloud, AWS and Bare Metal

Back in December, I did a detailed analysis for getting data into Vertica from MySQL using Tungsten Replicator, all within the Kodiak MemCloud.

I got some good numbers towards the end – 1.9 million rows/minute into Vertica. I did this using a standard replicator deployment, plus some tweaks to the Vertica environment. In particular:

  • Integer hash for a partition for both the staging and base tables
  • Some tweaks to the queries to ensure that we used the partitions in the most efficient manner
  • Optimized the batching within the applier to hit the right numbers for the transaction counts

That last one is a bit of a cheat because in a real-world situation it’s much harder to be able to identify those transaction sizes and row counts, but for testing, we’re trying to get the best performance!

Next what I wanted to do was set up some bare metal and AWS servers that were of an equivalent configuration and see what I could do to repeat and emulate the tests and see what comparable performance we could get.

How I Load Masses of Data

Before I dip into that, however, I thought it would be worth seeing how I generate the information in the first place. With big data testing (mainly when trying to simulate the data that ultimately gets written into your analytics target) the primary concern is one of reproducing the quantity as well as the variety of the data.

It’s application dependent, but for some analytics tasks the inserts are quite high and the updates/deletes relatively low. So I’ve written a test script that generates up to a million rows of data, split to be around 65% inserts, 25% updates and 10% deletes.

I can tweak that of course, but I’ve found it gives a good spread of data. I can also configure whether that happens in one transaction or each row is a transaction of its own. That all gets dumped into an SQL file. A separate wrapper script and tool then load that information into MySQL, either using redirection within the MySQL command line tool or through a different lightweight C++ client I wrote.

The data itself is light, two columns, an auto-incrementing integer ID and a random string. I’m checking for row inserts here, not data sizes.

So, to summarise:

  • Up to 1 million rows (although this is configurable)
  • Single or multiple transactions
  • Single schema/table or numerous schemas/tables
  • Concurrent, multi-threaded inserts

The fundamental result here is that I can predict the number of transactions and rows, which is really important when you are trying to measure rows-per-time period to use as benchmarks with replication because I can also start and stop replication on the transaction count boundaries to get precise performance.

For the main testing that I use for the performance results, what I do is run a multi-threaded, simultaneous insert into 20 schemas/tables and repeat it 40 times with a transaction/row count size of 10,000. That results in 8,000,000 rows of data, first being inserted/updated/deleted into MySQL, then extracted, replicated, and applied to (in this case) Vertica.

For the testing, I then use the start/stop of sequence number controls in the replicator and then monitor the time I start and stop from those numbers.

This gives me stats within about 2 seconds of the probably true result, but over a period of 15-20 minutes, that’s tolerable.

It also means I can do testing in two ways:

  • Start the load test into MySQL and test for completion into Vertica


  • Load the data into THL, and test just the target applier (from network transfer to target DB)

For the real-world performance I use the full end-to-end (MySQL insert and target apply) testing

Test Environments

I tested three separate environments, the original MemCloud hosted servers, some bare metal hosts and AWS EC2 hosts:

MemCloud Bare Metal AWS




















It’s always difficult to perfectly match the environments across virtual and bare metal, particularly in AWS, but I did my best.


I could go into all sorts of detailed results here, but I think it’s better to simply look at the final numbers because that is what really matters:

Rows Per Minute


Bare Metal




Now what’s interesting here is that MemCloud is significantly faster, even though there are fewer CPUs and even lower RAM requirements. It’s perhaps even more surprising to note that MemCloud is more than 4.5x times faster than AWS, even on I/O optimized hosts (probably the limiting factor in Vertica applies).



Even against fairly hefty bare metal hosts, MemCloud is almost 3x faster!

I’ve checked in with the engineers on the Bare Metal which seem striking, especially considering these are really beefy hosts, but it may simply be the SSD interface and I/O that becomes a limiting factor. Within Vertica when writing data with the replicator a few things are happening, we write THL to disk, CSV to disk, read CSV from disk into a staging table, then merge the base and staging tables which involves shuffling a lot of blocks in memory (and ultimately disk) around. It may simply be that the high-memory focused environment of MemCloud allows for very much faster performance all round.

I also looked at the performance as I started to increase the number of MySQL sources feeding into the systems, this is to separate schemas, rather than the single, unified schema/table within Vertica.








Target Schemas







Rows Written














Bare Metal











What is significant here is that with MemCloud I noticed a much more linear ramp up in performance that I didn’t see to the same degree within the Bare metal or AWS. In fact, with AWS I couldn’t even remotely achieve the same levels and by the time I got to three simultaneous sources I got such wildly random results between executions that I gave up trying to test. From experience, I suspect this is due to the networking an IOPS environment, even on a storage optimized host.

The graph version shows the differences more clearly:



Bottom line, MemCloud seems really quick, and the statement I made in the original testing still seems to be valid:

The whole thing went so quick I thought it hadn’t executed at all!

MariaDB to Hadoop in Spanish

Nicolas Tobias has written an awesome guide to setting up replication from MariaDB to Hadoop/HDFS using Tungsten Replicator, in Spanish! He’s planning more of these so if you like what you see, please let him know!

Semana santa y yo con nuevas batallas que contar.
Me hayaba yo en el trabajo, pensando en que iba a invertir la calma que acompa;a a los dias de vacaciones que libremente podemos elegir trabajar y pense: No seria bueno terminar esa sincronizacion entre los servidores de mariaDB y HIVE?

Ya habia buscado algo de info al respecto en Enero hasta tenia una PoC montada con unas VM que volvi a encender, pero estaba todo podrido: no arrancaba, no funcionba ni siquiera me acordaba como lo habia hecho y el history de la shell er un galimatias. Decidi que si lo rehacia todo desde cero iba a poder dejarlo escrito en un playbook y ademas, aprenderlo y automatizarlo hasta el limite de poder desplegar de forma automatica on Ansible.

via De MariaDB a HDFS: Usando Continuent Tungsten. Parte 1 |

Quilting for Equality

I’m sewing some quilts for charity this year for the Fawcett Society, who champion equal rights in the name of the Suffragette movement. This year (2018) is 100 years since the Vote for Women movement.

The first quilt is finished and will be going up for auction soon!

You can follow the progress on the main Fawcette page:

Or the Facebook group:


End of an Era: Neither MC nor Continuent Attending Percona Live

Continuent have been a long term sponsor of the Percona Live conference, and the MySQL conference as it was before that, for many years. We have attended the conference both as a Diamond sponsor, and members of our staff attending and presenting our products and experience at the conference.

The nature of these conferences always changes over time, and we have seen over the last few years how the Percona Live conference has moved from being a pure MySQL conference to an open source database conference. Although Continuent continue to provide open source software and integrate with many open source databases, our core operation still revolves around MySQL clustering and replication for MySQL and Oracle.

Continuent is also evolving and changing and we are increasingly deploying and moving towards pure cloud-based environments, building and developing products that are used on the cloud or explicitly leverage cloud computing technology. We have a number of new products and initiatives specifically targeting these areas.

Over the course of the next year we will be releasing cloud editions of our clustering, replication and new backup and proxy services both directly and through our partners.

As such, this year we have made the difficult decision not to sponsor or attend the Percona Live conference, directing our energies to other conferences, webinars and meetups. We will be attending the AWS conference, for example, and we fully intend to be at some other select conferences this year dealing with analytics, in-memory computing, and cloud-based deployments.

To stay up-to-date with what Continuent are doing, keep reading the Continuent blog and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Webinar Wednesday: Moving data in real-time into Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch provides a quick and easy method to aggregate data, whether you want to use it for simplifying your search across multiple depots and databases, or as part of your analytics stack. Getting the data from your transactional engines into Elasticsearch is something that can be achieved within your application layer with all of the associated development and maintenance costs. Instead, offload the operation and simplify your deployment by using direct data replication to handle the insert, update and delete processes.

In this webinar, we will examine

  • Basic replication model
  • How to concentrate data from multiple sources
  • How the data is represented within Elasticsearch
  • Customizations and configurations available to tailor the data format
  • Filters and data modifications available

Register now!

Webinar Wednesday: Moving data in real-time into Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch provides a quick and easy method to aggregate data, whether you want to use it for simplifying your search across multiple depots and databases, or as part of your analytics stack. Getting the data from your transactional engines into Elasticsearch is something that can be achieved within your application layer with all of the associated development and maintenance costs. Instead, offload the operation and simplify your deployment by using direct data replication to handle the insert, update and delete processes.

In this webinar, we will examine

  • Basic replication model
  • How to concentrate data from multiple sources
  • How the data is represented within Elasticsearch
  • Customizations and configurations available to tailor the data format
  • Filters and data modifications available

Register now!

Analytical Replication Performance from MySQL to Vertica on MemCloud

I’ve recently been trying to improve the performance of the Vertica replicator, particularly in the form of the of the new single schema replication. We’ve done a lot in the new Tungsten Replicator 5.3.0 release to improve (and ultimately support) the new single schema model.

As part of that, I’ve also been personally looking to Kodiak MemCloud as a deployment platform. The people at Kodiak have been really helpful (disclaimer: I’ve worked with some of them in the past). MemCloud is a high-performance cloud platform that is based on hardware with high speed (and volume) RAM, SSD and fast Ethernet connections. This means that even without any adjustment and tuning you’ve got a fast platform to work on.

However, if you are willing to put in some extra time, you can tune things further. Once you have a super quick environment, you find you can tweak and update the settings a little more because you have more options available.  Ultimately you can then make use of that faster environment to stretch things a little bit further. And that’s exactly what I did when trying to determine how quickly I could get data into Vertica from MySQL.

In fact, the first time I ran my high-load test suite on MemCloud infrastructure, replicating data from MySQL into Vertica, I made this comment to my friend at Kodiak:

The whole thing went so quick I thought it hadn’t executed at all!

In general, there are two things you want to test when using replication to move data from a transactional environment into an analytical one:

  • Latency of moving the data
  • Apply rate for moving the data

The two are subtly different. The first measures how long it takes to get the data from the source to the target. The second measures how much data you can move in a set period of time.

Depending on your deployment and application, either, or both, can be critical. For example, if you are using analytics to perform real-time analysis and charging on your data, the first one is the most important, because you want the info up to date as quickly as possible. If you performing log analysis or longer-term trends, the second is probably more important. You may not worry about being a few seconds, but you want many thousands of transactions to be transferred. I concentrated on the former rather than the latter, because latency in the batch applier is something you can control by setting the batch interval.

So what did I test?

At a basic level, I was replicating data from MySQL directly into Vertica. That is, extracting data from the MySQL binary log, and writing that into a table within HPE Vertica cluster using 3 nodes. Each is running in MemCloud, which each running with 64GB of RAM and 2TB of SSD disk space. I’ve deliberately made no configuration changes to Vertica at this point.

The first thing I did was set-up a basic replication pipeline between the two. Replication into Vertica works by batch-loading data through CSV files into Vertica tables and then ‘materialising’ the changes into the carbon copy tables. Because it’s done in batches, the latency is effectively governed by the batch apply settings, which were configured for 10,000 rows or 5 seconds.

To generate the load, I’ve written a script that generates 100,000 rows of random data, then updates about 70% of those randomly and deletes the other 30%. So each schema is generating about 200,000 rows of changes for each load. This is designed to test the specific batch replication scenario. Ultimately it does this across multiple schemas (same structure). I specifically use this because I match this with the replication to get replication (rather than transaction) statistics. I need to be able to effectively monitor the apply rate into Vertica from MySQL.

The first time I ran the process of just generating the data and inserting into MySQL, the command returned almost immediately. I seriously thought it had failed because I couldn’t believe I’d just inserted 200,000 rows into MySQL that quick. Furthermore, over on the Vertica side, I’m monitoring the application through the trepctl perf command, which provides the live output of the process. And for a second I see the blip as the data is replicated and then applied. I thought it was so quick, it was a single row (or even failed transaction) that caused the blip.

The first time I ran the tests, I got some good results with 20 simultaneous schemas:

  • 460,000 rows/minute from a single MySQL source into Vertica. 

Then I doubled up the source MySQL servers, so two servers, 40 simultaneous schemas, and ultimately writing in about 8 million rows:

  • 986,000 rows/minute into Vertica across 40 schemas from 2 sources

In both cases, the latency was between 3-7 seconds for each batch write (remember we are handling 10,000 rows or 5s per batch). We are also doing this across *different* schemas at this stage. These are not bad figures.

I did some further tweaks, this time, reconfiguring the batch writes to do larger blocks and larger intervals. This increases the potential latency (because there will be bigger gaps between writes into Vertica), but increases the overall row-apply performance. Now we are handling 100,000 rows or 10s intervals. The result? A small bump for a single source server:

  • 710,000 rows/minute into Vertica across 20 schemas from 1 source

Latency has increased though, with us topping out at around 11.5s for the write when performing the very big blocks. Remember this is single-source, and so I know that the potential is there to basically double that with a second MySQL source since the scaling seems almost linear.

Now I wanted to move on to test a specific scenario I added into the applier, which is the ability to replicate from multiple source schemas into a single target schema. Each source is identical, and to ensure that the ‘materialise’ step works correctly, and that we can still analyse the data, a filter is inserted into the replication that adds the source schema to each row.

The sample data inserts look like this:

insert into msg values (0,"RWSAjXaQEtCf8nf5xhQqbeta");
insert into msg values (0,"4kSmbikgaeJfoZ6gLnkNbeta");
insert into msg values (0,"YSG4yeG1RI6oDW0ohG6xbeta");

With the filter, what gets inserted is;

0, "RWSAjXaQEtCf8nf5xhQqbeta", "sales1"
0,"4kSmbikgaeJfoZ6gLnkNbeta", "sales1"

Etc, where ‘sales1’ is the source schema, added as an extra column to each row.

This introduces two things we need to handle on the Vertica side:

  1. We now have to merge taking into account the source schema (since the ID column of the data could be the same across multiple schemas). For example, whereas before we did ‘DELETE WHERE ID IN (xxxx)’, and now we have to do ‘DELETE WHERE ID IN (xxxx) AND dbname = ‘sales1”.
  2. It increases the contention ratio on the Vertica table because we now effectively write into only one table. This increases the locks and the extents processed by Vertica.

The effect of this change is that the overall apply rate slows down slightly due to the increased contention on a single table. Same tests, 20 schemas from one MySQL source database and we get the following:

  • 760,000 rows/minute into Vertica with a single target table

This is actually not as bad as I was expecting when you consider that we are modifying every row of incoming data, and are no longer able to multi-thread the apply.

I then tried increasing that using the two sources and 40 schemas into the same single table. Initially, the performance was no longer linear, and I failed to get any improvement beyond about 10% above that 760K/min figure.

Now it was time to tune other things. First of all, I changed some of the properties on the Vertica side in terms of the queries I was running, tweaking the selecting and query parameters for the DELETE operations. For batch loading, what we do is DELETE and then INSERT, or, in some case, DELETE and UPDATE if you’ve configured it that way. Tweaking the subquery that is being used increased the performance a little.

Changing the projections used also increased the performance of the single schema apply. But the biggest gains, perhaps unsurprisingly, were to change the way the tables were defined in the first place and to use partitions in the table definition. To do this, I modified the original filter that was adding the schema name, and instead had it add the schema hash, a unique Java ID for the string. Then I created the staging and base tables in Vertica using the integer hash as the partition. Then I modified the queries to ensure that the partitions would be used effectively.

The result was that the 760k/min rate was now scalable. I couldn’t get any faster when writing into a single schema, but the rate remains relatively constant whether I am replicating five schemas into a single one, or 40 schemas from two or three sources into the same. In fact, it does ultimately start to dip slightly as you add more source schemas.

Even better, the changes I’d made to the queries and the overall Vertica batch applier also improved the speed of the standard (i.e. multi-schema) applier. I also added partitions to the ID field for too to improve the general apply rate. After testing for a couple days, the average rate:

  • 1,900,000 rows/minute from a single MySQL source into Vertica.

This was also scalable. Five MySQL sources elicited a rate of 8.8 million rows/minute into Vertica, making the applier rate linear with a 1% penalty for each additional MySQL source. The latency stayed the same, hovering around the same level as before of around 11s for most of the time. Occasionally you’d get a spike because Vertica was having trouble keeping up, but

Essentially, we are replicating data from MySQL into Vertica for analytics at a rate I simply called ‘outstandingly staggering’. I still do.

The new single schema applier, database name filter (rowadddbname) and performance improvements are all incorporated into the new Tungsten Replicator.

MacOS High Sierra Disk Space

Having updating to macOS High Sierra I’ve mostly been impressed, except about one thing, disk space usage.

The new APFS creates snapshots during local Time Machine backups, and this can mean, especially if you’be been dealing with some large files, that when you delete them and empty the wastebasket, you don’t get your disk space.

I noticed this because I’ve been on vacation and created some rather large files from all the photos I’ve been taking. Freeing up 200-400GB of disk space, and then realizing I no longer have the space available. On a 2TB disk, 400GB is a lot to lose. Even more so when you think you’ve deleted the files that *were* using up space.

The key is to look at your local backups, and the easiest method for that is the tmutil command. In particular, check the list of local snapshots:

$ tmutil listlocalsnapshots /

These are normally managed automatically using a combination of the date/age of the backup and the space they are using compared to how much disk space you need. All this happens automatically in the background for you.

But, if you’ve just done some house cleaning, or you’ve come back from using a lot of disk space and want to free it up, you’ll need to get rid of those old snapshots. You can do them individually using:

$ tmutil deletelocalsnapshots <snapshot_date>

But it’s easier to just purge the snapshots and specify how many you many want to get rid of. That will leave you with some recent snapshots but still recover some diskspace, for that, use this command:

$ tmutil thinlocalsnapshots <mount_point> [purgeamount] [urgency]

That [purgeamount] is how much space you want to recover in the process, and the [urgency] is a number (1-4) of how quickly you want the space recovered. Both are optional.

For me, I just ran the thinning and that left me with:

$ tmutil thinlocalsnapshots / 
Thinned local snapshots:

For me the difference was that I went from using 1.2TB on a 2TB disk from all those photos and the snapshots that went with them, to having 1.43TB free!




Keynote and Session at Percona Live Dublin 2017

On Sunday I will travel over to Dublin for Percona Live 2017.

I have two sessions, a keynote on the Wednesday morning where I’ll be talking about all the fun new stuff we have planned at Continuent and some new directions we’re working on.

I also have a more detailed session on our new appliers for Kafka, Elasticsearch and Cassandra, that’s Tuesday morning.


If you haven’t already booked to come along, feel free to use the discount code SeeMeSpeakPLE17 which will get you 15% off!