Category Archives: Presentations and Conferences

End of an Era: Neither MC nor Continuent Attending Percona Live

Continuent have been a long term sponsor of the Percona Live conference, and the MySQL conference as it was before that, for many years. We have attended the conference both as a Diamond sponsor, and members of our staff attending and presenting our products and experience at the conference.

The nature of these conferences always changes over time, and we have seen over the last few years how the Percona Live conference has moved from being a pure MySQL conference to an open source database conference. Although Continuent continue to provide open source software and integrate with many open source databases, our core operation still revolves around MySQL clustering and replication for MySQL and Oracle.

Continuent is also evolving and changing and we are increasingly deploying and moving towards pure cloud-based environments, building and developing products that are used on the cloud or explicitly leverage cloud computing technology. We have a number of new products and initiatives specifically targeting these areas.

Over the course of the next year we will be releasing cloud editions of our clustering, replication and new backup and proxy services both directly and through our partners.

As such, this year we have made the difficult decision not to sponsor or attend the Percona Live conference, directing our energies to other conferences, webinars and meetups. We will be attending the AWS conference, for example, and we fully intend to be at some other select conferences this year dealing with analytics, in-memory computing, and cloud-based deployments.

To stay up-to-date with what Continuent are doing, keep reading the Continuent blog and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Webinar Wednesday: Moving data in real-time into Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch provides a quick and easy method to aggregate data, whether you want to use it for simplifying your search across multiple depots and databases, or as part of your analytics stack. Getting the data from your transactional engines into Elasticsearch is something that can be achieved within your application layer with all of the associated development and maintenance costs. Instead, offload the operation and simplify your deployment by using direct data replication to handle the insert, update and delete processes.

In this webinar, we will examine

  • Basic replication model
  • How to concentrate data from multiple sources
  • How the data is represented within Elasticsearch
  • Customizations and configurations available to tailor the data format
  • Filters and data modifications available

Register now!

Webinar Wednesday: Moving data in real-time into Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch provides a quick and easy method to aggregate data, whether you want to use it for simplifying your search across multiple depots and databases, or as part of your analytics stack. Getting the data from your transactional engines into Elasticsearch is something that can be achieved within your application layer with all of the associated development and maintenance costs. Instead, offload the operation and simplify your deployment by using direct data replication to handle the insert, update and delete processes.

In this webinar, we will examine

  • Basic replication model
  • How to concentrate data from multiple sources
  • How the data is represented within Elasticsearch
  • Customizations and configurations available to tailor the data format
  • Filters and data modifications available

Register now!

Keynote and Session at Percona Live Dublin 2017

On Sunday I will travel over to Dublin for Percona Live 2017.

I have two sessions, a keynote on the Wednesday morning where I’ll be talking about all the fun new stuff we have planned at Continuent and some new directions we’re working on.

I also have a more detailed session on our new appliers for Kafka, Elasticsearch and Cassandra, that’s Tuesday morning.


If you haven’t already booked to come along, feel free to use the discount code SeeMeSpeakPLE17 which will get you 15% off!

Upcoming Webinar, 19th July, What is New in Tungsten Replicator 5.2 and Tungsten Clustering 5.2?

Continuent Tungsten 5.2 is just around the corner. This is one of our most exciting Tungsten product releases for some time!

In this webinar we’re going to have a look at a host of new features in the new release, including
Three new Replication Applier Targets (Kafka, Cassandra and Elasticsearch)
New improvements to our core command-line tools trepctl and thl
New foundations for our filtering services, and
Improvements to the compatibility between replication and clustering

This webinar is going be a packed session and we’ll show all the exciting stuff with more in-depth follow-up sessions in the coming weeks.


You’ll also learn about some more exciting changes coming in the upcoming Tungsten releases (5.2.1 and 5.3), and our major Tungsten 6.0 release due out by the end of the year.

So come and join us to get the low down on everything related to Tungsten Replicator 5.2 and Tungsten Clustering 5.2. on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM PDT at https://attendee.gotowebinar. com/register/ 4108437731342545667

New Continuent Webinar Wednesdays and Training Tuesdays

We are just starting to get into the swing of setting up our new training and webinar schedule.
Initially, there will be one Webinar session (typically on a Wednesday) and one training session (on a Tuesday) every week from now. We’ll be covering a variety of different topics at each.
Typically our webinars will be about products and features, comparisons to other products, mixed in with product news (new releases, new features) and individual sessions based on what is going on at Continuent and the market in general.
Our training, by comparison, is going to be a hands-on, step-by-step sequence covering all of the different areas of our product. So we’ll cover everything from the basics of how the products work, how to deploy them, typical functionality (switching, start/stop, etc), and troubleshooting.
All of the sessions are going to be recorded and we’ll produce a suitable archive page so that you can go and view the past sessions. Need a refresher on re-provisioning a node in your cluster? There’s going to be a video for it and documentation to back it up.
Our first webinar is actually next Thursday (the Wednesday rule wouldn’t be a good one without an exception) and is all about MySQL Multi-Site/Multi-Master Done Right:
In this webinar, we discuss what makes Tungsten Clustering better than other alternatives (AWS RDS, Galera, MySQL InnoDB Cluster, and XtraDBCluster), especially for geographically distributed multi-site deployments, both for disaster recovery and multi-site/multi-master needs.
If you want to attend, please go ahead and register using this link:
Keep your eyes peeled for the other upcoming sessions. More details soon.

Hadoop BoF Session at OSCON

I have a BoF session next week at OSCON next week:

Migrating Data from MySQL and Oracle into Hadoop

The session is at 7pm Tuesday night – look for rooms D135 and/or D137/138.

Correction: We are now in  E144 on Tuesday with the Hadoop get together first at 7pm, and the Data Migration to follow at 8pm.

I’m actually going to be joined by Gwen Shapira from Cloudera, who has a BoF session on Hadoop next door at the same time, along with Eric Herman from We’ll use the opportunity to talk all things Hadoop, but particularly the ingestion of data from MySQL and other databases into the Hadoop datastore.

As always, it’d be great to meet anybody interested in Hadoop at the BoF, please come along and introduce yourselves, and hopefully I’ll see you next week!

Continuent at Hadoop Summit

I’m pleased to say that Continuent will be at the Hadoop Summit in San Jose next week (3-5 June). Sadly I will not be attending as I’m taking an exam next week, but my colleagues Robert Hodges, Eero Teerikorpi and Petri Versunen will be there to answer any questions you have about Continuent products, and, of course, Hadoop replication support built into Tungsten Replicator 3.0.

If you are at the conference, please go along and say hi to the team. And, as always, if there are any questions please let them or me know.