Peer to peer power

As we use more and more computers, power, or rather producing it, is becoming a big issue, with environmental and political angles, but more critically simple physical and mathematical ones.

I know in the US, West Coast especially, brownouts and power cuts are becoming quite common. We're not quite there yet in the UK, but there are rumours and issues bubbling up about where exactly we are going to get all the power we are demanding here in the UK.

Years ago, in New Scientist, I came across the idea of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Boilers. These work pretty much like the boilers we have in nearly all homes here in the UK, and use Natural Gas to heat water which we use in our baths and showers and which provide the necessary hot water for our central heating system. I'm no expert on US heating systems, but I suspect the same basic idea is used in American homes.

Five common IT manager mistakes

There's a great piece here on Five common mistakes that Linux IT managers make which is more than just the usual top five mistakes.

To summarize the top five, they are listed as:

  1. Reactive, not Proactive
  2. Failing to emphasize documentation and training
  3. Failing to assess strengths and weaknesses
  4. Too much, too quickly
  5. Security as a secondary priority

On the whole there is nothing here that should surprise most managers; how this article differs is that it relates many of the issues back to the Linux/Open Source community and the issues faced by managers and their organizations.

Getting kids into programming

If we want to get new blood into the programming market, we need start with kids when they are young.

If I had to suggest something, I'd recommend Python. It is easy to learn, object based, and the techniques you learn could easily be transferred to Java (or use Jython) or C++.

But Python isn't for everybody. So why not introduce them to programming with their very own programming language?

Take a look at KPL. It's a new language designed to give quick gratification to kid programmers. It's loosely based on BASIC (although parts of it felt more Modula-2 (a derivative of Pascal) to me...), but the theory remains sounds.

Blog search spam

Google announced their Blog Search system last week.

Unfortunately, it is already succumbing to that type of annoying 'use our catalog system instead' type of spam (and sorry, but it is, essentially, a form of spam) that uses adverts and associate information to drive sales by ensuring that their pages appear at the top, just because they've mentioned the search term 3 million times on their home page.

If you want an example, search for 'linux terminal server schools', which I was searching for while looking for a story about linux terminal services in schools for my previous post.

Setting up a Linux terminal server

For some organizations, the upgrade costs from their older hardware are high enough that they don't bother to upgrade, but they still want access to newer software and faster, more responsive systems.

Using terminal services is an obvious solution...

The principles of terminal services are nothing new in the computing world. Ignoring the networking and technological aspect, the basics of terminal servers go back to the big, bad old days of massive single computers (the "mainframe") and hundreds of individual green-screened terminals connected to them over serial cables.

This was how computing was thirty years ago and why so many people are used to the thought of a single computer being responsible for everything, leading to numerous questions from users as to what the 'box' is under the monitor.

Perl best practice

I love Perl, and I'm not afraid to admit it, but because it is such an easy to use language it is very easy to fall into some bad practices.

Damian Conway has written this excellent little guide to Perl best practices.

I don't agree with the order of what he suggests; mostly because I think most Perl programmers don't follow the model that would make it practical.

Top down development is great; mapping out and planning all of the different elements, but really, Perl makes it so easy to go bottom up and start adding features and functionality and then back-hack the system into a module and add testing and other bits that designing the module interface first is probably not going to work out the best way to go.

Standardizing Linux

A constant battle exists between the flexibility and choice in the Linux marketplace (hence the hundreds of different Linux distributions) and standardizing on a suite of tools, libraries and components that make the deployment of a Linux application and management techniques that much easier.

If you look around for pre-packaged (that is, pre-compiled) software from companies either that don't want to release through open source (Oracle, IBM and others), or who want to distribute an easy to use version of their software, and you'll find that they will often list a variety of different versions for each of the main Linux distributions (Suse, RedHat etc.). Have a non-standard distribution and you can have issues. The reason for these different versions is because seemingly inconsequential differences between Linux distributions (such as different library versions, or missing libraries) can make the difference between an application working and failing.

Solaris 10 Review

I have a new review up on LinuxToday about my experiences of using Solaris 10 over the last few months.

As the article says at the start, I’ve been using Solaris since the original SunOS was redeveloped and rebranded as Solaris in the early 90s, and I’m still using it happily now. Solaris 10 adds a load of new features, including Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) and Solaris Containers (zones). The article also covers the other new features, desktop impressions, the issue of licensing of the new OpenSolaris and whether this could be a potential Linux killer, now that Solaris is available free.

Please read the full article to find out if you should be trying Solaris 10.

What is the semantic grid?

Whether you call it the Semantic Web or Web 2.0, it is obvious that in the web as we know it is changing. We have moved on from static web pages and simply links and will be moving towards more dynamic content, more intelligent links and better ways of integrating and collating information from different sources.

My new article, What is the semantic grid? looks at the semantic grid - an extension of the principles of the semantic web and how they will be applied to grid technology to make the interoperation of grids and the information and services they provide. Here’s the official intro:

The semantic grid uses metadata to describe information in the grid. Turning information into something more than just a collection of data means understanding the context, format, and significance of the data. The semantic Web follows this model by providing additional metadata that helps describe the information being viewed on a Web page, thereby allowing browsers, applications, and users to make better decisions about how to deal with the data. The semantic grid applies similar principles to the information used in a grid environment. In this article, we take a closer look at what the semantic grid is, how to use it, and what this will mean to your future grid applications.

Please click to get the answer to the question What is the semantic grid?

Free IRC Clients

I have a new article up at Free Software Magazine on free, terminal (i.e. non-GUI) based IRC clients. Here’s the extract:

In this article I’m going to look at a staple application of many user’s lives. No, not a web browser, but an IRC client. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a simple, but effective, way for multiple users to communicate with each other in an environment that most likely equates to your local bar.

Read on for the full article.

All the MCB Guru blogs that are fit to print